The Real Grandma’s Apron

In the years since I began my apron journey, I’ve read and received I do not know how many versions of “Grandma’s Apron.” Whether in rhyme or essay format, the basic “telling” is always the same, as is the title, Grandma’s Apron. The only difference is when the piece is accompanied by a claim of authorship. Grandma’s Apron has been around on the Internet for so long now, and with so many insisting he/she is the original composer, I wondered if the true writer of this beloved piece could even be found.

Well, thank goodness I haven’t yet tidyied my writing room, as I’ve promised to do for the last, oh, 9 years. For what I found may come as close to authenticating the authorship of Grandma’s Apron as can be got.

In 2004, I received a letter from Mrs. Lucille Norton of Marion, Ohio. She’d read an article about me and my aprons, and thought I’d enjoy reading a poem titled Grandma’s Apron!, which had been printed in her local newspaper, the Marion Star. This is a scan of the letter and the article:

The article’s lead off is in tiny tiny font, which I have typed word for word here: The following was read on WMRN Betty Newton show some days back. More than one farm woman, as well as others, said it brought back fond memories. It was written by Rev. Don Hart of Mount Vernon, chaplain of the Ohio State Grange. Through the couresy of WMRN, we got a copy of “Grandma’s Apron” for reproduction here. Does it strike a cord of nostalgia for you? The reminisce that follows is likely the original Grandma’s Apron. And if delivered from the pulpit, that had to be one Sunday when no one took a snooze during the reverend’s sermon!

Rev. Hart’s commentary on his grandma’s apron struck a cord that continues to resonate. Any writer would be pleased for his or her writing to be the inspiration to so many.

xxea Tie One On…an apron, of course!


  1. Oh how wonderful, not only to have found this wonderful article but that it was used by a Pastor for his sermon.
    Oh, & don’t bother to clean up your sewing room, if you are anything like me, it will just get messy again! LOL!

  2. Hello!
    Grandma’s apron was just sent to me and while it’s lovely, when i went searching on the internet to see who wrote it, I saw several different versions… the one sent to me has a final sentence added about germs. Do you have the version printed in that article?

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