April 1 is a day of universal gaiety (check out vintagepostcards.org for French foolery!). It’s also the beginning of the countdown to the end-of-the month drawing of the FABULOUS not-a-contest GIVEAWAY’s six prize packages:
For enumeration of the goodies and entry details to this fab giveaway, visit my March 25th blog or the front page of my website apronmemories.com and click through to 3/25.
My partner in this promotion, is Colonial Patterns/Aunt Marths’s Transfers, owned by the Price Family of Kansas City, MO…where the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye and license plates declare it the Show Me! state. The citizens of KC have a long-standing geographical and historical acquaintance with lean times, and throughout is their relationship with doing the most with the least. Cotton feed sacking exemlifies this.
I left a comment on the first post mentioning the giveaway, but I thought I’d give a site address for one of my newest Angelic Inspirations I use vintage finds such as dolls, hats, doilies, and handkerchiefs which I hand-embroider to create new keepsakes. Visit http://brownginghamcreations.
turn-into-vintage.html for the pics. I tried to leave a pic on flicker, but it wouldn’t work for me, so I thought I’d just post this. I do have more on my website. Any questions just e-mail me at melody@brownginghamcreations.com
Thanks for the reminder. I’m working on an apron with vintage linens incorporated for the Fliry Apron Swap. You can bet I’ll enter it into this contest.
I made an Egg Money quilt top a few years ago from vintage replication fabrics. I love how the odd patterns and colors inspired by the feed sacks of the 30s and 40s come together so nicely in the egg money quilts.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if things started to be packaged in cotton bags again. I think I would be more apt to buy a product if it came in some awesome fabric that I could reuse.
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