Tie One On Day 2017 provided much reflection, as a means of honoring #nancyzieman and celebrating our recognition by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and its #capturekindness campaign.
Showcased by the RAKFoundation Week 2 challenge: Be Kind to Family, I considered the definition of family to include those we spend time with who support our endeavors.
Using that expanded definition of family, my TOODay 2017 recipients included two women I look forward to seeing at the gym, Roxanne and Karla. For almost 2 years, we’ve met four days a week at class, the commitment to attendance partially based on encouraging one another in our fitness goals. What better way to celebrate this sense of family than with cake! Taking a hint from the RAKfoundation website, personal notes expressed my appreciation of their friendship.
Throughout the week, I continued to #capturekindness with deliveries of individual slices of pie, complete with napkins and forks for instant yummy indulging, to those whose paths
I cross who unfailingly greet me with a smile.
For Thanksgiving dinner, we’re gathering at the home of our son and daughter-in-law, who are hosting the evening with two full tables of family and friends. An undertaking that’s been days in the making of cooking and baking, we’re arriving with a TOODay #capturekindness offering – a lunch of hearty soup and freshly baked bread to nourish the host and hostess through an afternoon of final food preparation.
May your Thanksgiving #capturekindness and celebrate a bounty of family and friendships!
The occasion was a celebration, with champagne and a dessert, the menu. Only a most fabulous cake creation would do, and within the pages of
CAKE, I LOVE YOU !, was this confection: a Dark Chocolate-Pudding Banana Cake. Author Jill O’Connor describes this cake’s chocolate pudding frosting as “…almost too decadent.” A chocolate pudding aficionado, I’d found the perfect dessert.
At first glance, this cake’s two-page recipe might intimidate; however, Jill’s talent as a cookbook author shines with straight forward, step-by-step instruction. For encouragement, I constantly referenced the photograph – three tiers of divine sumptuousness.
This is a cake completely from scratch. It’s helpful to study the recipe several times before breaking that first egg. Also helpful is noting you will need three cake pans of the same size (a detail I missed, which wasn’t a catastrophe but did have the cake looking a tad “Leaning Tower of Pisa”), and that the pudding must be made a day before use.
The day of, I baked the layers and assembled per the instructions. Minus the chocolate curls’ topping, the cake was a close enough approximation to have me pretty, pretty excited to present and serve.
Almost a week later, what’s left is still moist and delicious. Tonight’s dessert should finish it up, a sad note to what everyone who tasted agrees is the best cake ever!
Now, for some happy news – As a sponsor of Tie One On Day, Jill is giving away two (2) autographed copies of CAKE, I LOVE YOU!
In it’s 12th year, Tie One On Day is an annual opportunity to offer a gesture of kindness before giving thanks at Thanksgiving. Sponsors, like Jill, support TOODay because of the shared belief that through kindness comes change.
CLICK HEREto be inspired by how others are embracing Tie One On Day and to enter for the giveaways provided by generous sponsors, like Jill O’Connor, the author of my now favorite cake cookbook, CAKE I LOVE YOU!
Thank you for participating in Tie One On Day – and making someone’s day brighter.
Twelve years ago on Thanksgiving eve, I wrapped a baked good in an apron with a handwritten note of sympathy tucked in, and delivered it to a neighbor experiencing more heartache than should ever be. Her response of delight and warmth was unexpected and very touching.
In offering a small gesture of recognition to her family’s situation, I was stunned at the joyfulness that I experienced. The win-win of the exchange was so memorable, I knew it had to be shared. So I created TIE ONE ON DAY™.
To encourage adding Tie One On Day to your Thanksgiving traditions, a dedicated group of generous SPONSORSare putting some fabulous “give” into the TOODAY 2017 GOODIE GIVEAWAYS!
To enter the Tie One on Day Giveaways,leave a comment at the end of this blog posting, sharing how you will participate in this year’s TOOD. Your comment is your entry into the November 22nd giveaway drawings! Four (4) Giveaway Winners will be randomly selected and contacted via their provided email. ***Winner must live within the USA.
Thanksgiving is a holiday of sharing, recollection and traditions, and the apron symbolizes these concepts.
Please join in and tie one on…an apron, of course! and make a difference in someone’s life with a gesture of kindness.
In 2009, I put together a mini-exhibit of my aprons and vintage domestic goods at the American Sewing Guild’s conference in Albuquerque. There, my path crossed with the sweetie pie editor of Sew News and Creative Machine Embroidery, Ellen March. Tying one on (…an apron, of course!), we discovered a shared passion for celebrating women of earlier generations and their talent in expressing themselves through needle and thread.
Two years later, Ellen invited me to appear as a guest on the inaugural season of her new venture, SewItAll TV. I was thrilled, very nervous and much relieved when Ellen brought her sewing skills to the Awesome Apron, and together we completed the project.
Ellen’s support of my love of aprons extends to her traditional sponsorship of Tie One On Day, my annual call-out to tie on an apron and bestow gestures of kindness to those in need. Responding to my yearly request for a TOODay goodie giveaway, she always provides…this year with a packed box of SewNews and Creative Machine Embroidery publications.
It was but a day or so after our TOODay giveaway emailing that I learned of Ellen’s concerns for her health and family’s well-being through her posting HERE. Please take a read, then take a look at this beautiful girl.
Wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend, colleague – Ellen is much-loved, admired and deserving of the very tenant of Tie One On Day: imparting gestures of kindness and especially in this situation, donations to her campaign: Ellen’s Breast Cancer Fight.
When considering kindness as a dollar point, imagine the campaign as the March family’s Thanksgiving dinner – instead of baking Ellen a pumpkin pie, donate the cost of the ingredients; in lieu of taking her a sweet potato casserole, donate the price of a sack of potatoes. I “fed” the fund a turkey dinner. Whatever your contribution, any amount will help to set the table.
The sooner the campaign’s goal is met, Ellen’s financial worries ease and she can completely concentrate on kickassing her cancer. So, please Tie One On (…an apron, of course!) and give from your heart and wallet to Ellen’s Breast Cancer Fight.
“Women clad in aprons have traditionally prepared the Thanksgiving meal, and it is within our historical linkage to share our bounty.”
Thank you, everyone, for sharing this blog posting, participating in Tie One On Day, and putting the give back into Thanksgiving through acts of kindness to those in need.
“Women clad in aprons have traditionally prepared the Thanksgiving meal, and it is within our historical linkage to share our bounty.”
On the eve of Thanksgiving some twelve years ago, I wrapped a pie in an apron with a handwritten note of sympathy slipped into the pocket, and delivered it to a neighbor experiencing more heartbreak than should be. Her response of delight and warmth was unexpected and very touching.
In offering a small gesture of recognition to the family’s situation, I was surprised at the unexpected joyfulness that I experienced. The win-win of the exchange was so memorable, I knew it had to be shared. So I created TIE ONE ON DAY™.
Celebrated on the eve of Thanksgiving – Wednesday, November 25 this year – TIE ONE ON DAY is an annual opportunity to share our good fortune by wrapping a loaf of bread or other baked good in domestic cloth and tuck in a sweet note; then tie one on…an apron, of course! and deliver the offering to a neighbor, friend or charity in need of a bit of kindness.
To encourage y’all adding TIE ONE ON DAY to your holiday tradition and embracing its message of sharing and gratefulness, a dedicated group of generous SPONSORS are putting some fabulous “give” into the TOODAY 2015 Goodie Giveaway!
To enter the TIE ONE ON DAY Giveaways, leave a comment at the end of this blog posting, sharing with others how you plan to be a part of this year’s TOOD. Your comment is your entry into the November 24th drawing for the giveaways. Four (4) Giveaway winners will be randomly selected and contacted via their provided email.
*TIE ONE ON DAY Giveaways are open only to entrants living within the United States
Thanksgiving is a holiday known for recollection, making new traditions and sharing. The apron symbolizes these concepts. A small bit of your time will make someone else’s day brilliantly brighter. And the more who participate, the more who receive. Such is the win-win of TOOD.
So please join me and tie one on…an apron, of course! and through Tie One On Day, make a difference in someone’s life.
Tie One On…Give from the heart…Then give thanks
To accompany your Tie One On Day delivery, this complimentary note card is available to download HERE.
Happy Wednesday, #99 Jennifer! You are the 4th Tie One On Day Giveaway WINNER.
Jennifer will be making someone’s day brighter: Kindness is a good thing and for TOODay, I am hoping to get my sewing machine out and make an apron with some cool fabric I pick up and then “file” and forget about. It will be given to someone who needs it for many reasons other than just protecting from the food splatters.
Without hesitation, sponsors responded to Tie One On Day as consistent with the heart of their companies, and I am extremely appreciative of their support.
MyMemories is also providing its giveaway of the My Memories Suite v4 and two Gift Certificates to four additional randomly selected winners:
#44 Terri K #165 Colleen
#15 Judy K # 81 Kimberlee
I titled this blurry Kodak moment “Waiting for the Doorbell to Ring” because it so perfectly represents that moment when all is at the ready – the gravy is simmering, the potatoes covered and warming in the oven with the vegetable casserole, the turkey plattered, the whipped cream for the pumpkin pie in a stainless container chilling in the refrigerator. Father is proud of the Mrs. for setting this beautiful table while she is likely exhausted from the preparation. Yet all is well in this home, where a feast awaits and thanks will be given.
To all who participated in Tie One On Day 2013, and through acts of kindness made someone’s day brighter, thank you, for giving from the heart. May all be well as we prepare to give thanks on Thanksgiving.
Sponsors giveaways are the loveliest and you need only have entered once to be eligible for this final drawing. If you’ve yet to enter, do so HERE.
As an apron collector with hundreds to choose from for tying on or wrapping a baked good for TOOD delivery, I’m not sure what led me to put everything on the back burner and sew an apron, but so I did.
What I came up with is such an easy project, I decided to create kits for guests to sew their own aprons before settling in around the Thanksgiving table!
For the children, cut the towel in half or in quarters (use pinking shears to avoid messy edges or let it fray au natural) and cut the ties to 12”. Adult assistance is necessary for avoiding needle pricks, but having band aids available for the big and small is a good idea.
While everyone is busy sewing, final preparations in the kitchen can be handled without well-intentioned interruptions.
This take-away apron will be a nice reminder of our gathering. I’m already thinking of next year’s kit – what a new and fun tradition!
When I approach a company or individual about sponsoring Tie One On Day, it’s because I believe they are perfectly aligned with the message that is the heart of TOOD: the value of kindness is priceless.
So when 2013 TOOD sponsor Kate Payne reached out to her hip girl’s community to bring light into a friend’s family’s darkest hours, I was immediately on board.
Victims of a flash flood, the family managed to salvage pieces of their lives, but lost forever were the mama’s sacred stash of recipes, handmade and family heirloom napkins, beautiful vintage aprons and tea towels…a household’s comforting cloth. Kate’s call-out asked for donations, to bring back a little handmade and vintage love into their lives. “This family of four will be adjusting to so many things over the coming weeks and months, let’s give them something to cherish.”
To replace the irreplaceable for a stranger gave me pause.
The selection of napkins was simple – a set so pristine they were likely never used; the selection of the apron required much consideration. From numerous possibles, I chose this one – a classic Fifties gingham with flowery cross stitching, tacking at the waist, and a pocket in need of minor mending – because as in life, it is less than perfect but gets the job done.
The homemaker who sewed this apron over sixty years ago would be flabbergasted that it still exists, much less that it will yet be worn again by a loving wife and mother.
A handwritten note accompanied the bundle, my message inspired by the apron story told to me by Vonetta Lee, the woman pictured: …when life happens, get your apron on and get goin’ !
Tie One On Day is the day before Thanksgiving because it offers an opportunity to give from the heart and then give thanks.
As I packaged the apron and mailed it to Kate, I could not stop smiling! and as I write this, my heart is filled with the happiness that comes from making someone else’s day a little brighter. Such is the win-win of TOOD.