TOODay & RAKfoundation #capturekindness

    Tie One On Day 2017 provided much reflection, as a means of honoring #nancyzieman and celebrating our recognition by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and its #capturekindness campaign.


Showcased by the RAKFoundation Week 2 challenge: Be Kind to Family, I considered the definition of family to include those we spend time with who support our endeavors.

Using that expanded definition of family, my TOODay 2017 recipients included two women I look forward to seeing at the gym, Roxanne and Karla. For almost 2 years, we’ve met four days a week at class, the commitment to attendance partially based on encouraging one another in our fitness goals. What better way to celebrate this sense of family than with cake!  Taking a hint from the RAKfoundation website, personal notes expressed my appreciation of their friendship.

#capturekindness and TOODay 2017 with cake and a handwritten notes

Throughout the week, I continued to #capturekindness with deliveries of individual slices of pie, complete with napkins and forks for instant yummy indulging, to those whose paths

#capturekindness & TOODay deliveries of individual slices of pie

I cross who unfailingly greet me with a smile.

For Thanksgiving dinner, we’re gathering at the home of our son and daughter-in-law, who are hosting the evening with two full tables of family and friends. An undertaking that’s been days in the making of cooking and baking, we’re arriving with a TOODay #capturekindness offering – a lunch of hearty soup and freshly baked bread to nourish the host and hostess through an afternoon of final food preparation.

A TOODay #capturekindness delivery of nourishment to our Thanksgiving host and hostess

May your Thanksgiving #capturekindness and celebrate a bounty of family and friendships!

Gratefully, EllynAnne







Tie One On Day Kindness Catch-Up!

Despite the recent events to the contrary, acts of kindness abound! To lift spirits, be encouraged, and find inspiration by others,

1.  Visit the Tie One On Day page on EllynAnne’s website and honor #NancyZieman

2.  Enter the Bernina USA / Tie One On Day apron event and giveaway

3.  Join the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’s #CaptureKindness Campaign


visit to participate and enter the TOODay 2017 Giveaways!

TIME IS A-DWINDLING to participate in the 12th annual TOODay!


Tie One On Day’s loving sponsors are tied together by the belief that through kindness there will be change.


To bring attention to TOODay and encourage participation, sponsors Bernina USA, MikWright, Colonial Patterns, Heirloomed Collection , Amy Barickman/Indygo Junction, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Sarah Stitham-Workday Wear, author Paul Samuel Dolman, author Sherry Gore, Nails magazine, Union Stitch and Design, author Jill O’ConnorThe Vintage Apron, Taste of HomeSchmetz Needles, Country Woman Magazine, American Sewing Guild, Cultivar Wine/Caspar Estate, and SewNews provide giveaways of their products, which are divided among four (4) randomly selected winners. Twelve years of TOODay giveaways = lots of very surprised and happy folks. To put your name in the giveaway hat, CLICK HERE FOR INFO AND ENTRY!


And this:


Gratefully, EllynAnne