a Simply Sublime Giveaway!

Based on my clicking preferences at amazon, the site has taken to recommending books. Well, alright!, I thought, figuring I’d follow one link to see just how spot on the trackers are. The book, a craft selection, featured an apron on the cover, so adorably photographed. Visual that I am, I was sold.

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Curious about the author, I followed link upon link to Jodi’s website. Then more clicking to see her recent appearance on the Today show, where she made a tote from a tee shirt, duct tape and a stapler, to multiple magazines and this wallet crafted from comics and iron on vinyl. Jodi is obviously a very creative person, endlessly inspired by what lies about our homes.

Giceaway-Jodi Kahn wallet [640x480]

I was so taken with the bucolic design of her site in juxtaposition with the excitement of her creations, I contacted Jodi to tell her just this. And to request a copy of Simply Sublime Gifts to giveaway.

Jodi is delighted to provide such a giveaway, and it will be awarded Wednesday, January 5th. To enter to win, just leave a comment by Tuesday, late late evening. Winner selected by random human (much more fun than the generator).

Conversing with Jodi was like chatting the old fashioned way – no impatience to hurry things along, to make a point in 140 characters (or less! for the uberachievers), use icons instead of language or the worst – tippitytaptapping an email to someone else as I’m speaking.

I miss when we made time for real conversation. Such is this new leaf idea for the new year!

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Tie One On…an apron, of course!

Organizing Chaos

A recent publication of Stampington & Company showcased the inspirational work spaces of very creative and successful women. To a one, their areas were extremely tidy, unlike my creative space, which is a mess. I poured over the feature, hoping just one would reveal her secret to organizing and maintaining order within her surroundings, but no.

My creative space is a jumble with the tools of my inspiration and creativity –
aprons, linens, boxes of photographs, files of research, and bins of patterns and magazines and cookbooks of past decades. Every new year, I resolve to replace this chaos with calm. 2009 is but days old, and I see no light at the end of this tunnel. Although I’ve read articles galore on organizing, I don’t seem to know how it is accomplished and maintained. If you do, please, all suggestions to organizing this chaos appreciated!

Tie One On…an apron, of course!