Snow Day Redress

The mid-week snowstorm was a big surprise and with the roads slick (my least favorite driving condition), the perfect day to stay in and accomplish some major domestic clean-up. But no sooner did I think such a thought, than it was nudged to a back burner and replaced with a most brilliant way to spend a snowy day: redressing Scarlett, my mannequin.

I’ve long thought how to change Scarlett’s form from its unflattering concrete gray to something more colorful, and within minutes of the first flakes falling, I figured it out.

From a bag of vintage scraps

Vintage Scraps Bag

I cut out shapes, dipped each into a mixture of decoupage paste thinned with water, and randomly covered the form.

Mannequin_vintage scraps_in progress

The redressing took a day, which seems a long time for such a carefree project, except the cleaning up part added considerable time – which brings me to this after-thought suggestion: Cover the floor and tabletop with plastic before beginning any project that includes dripping paste.

Scarlett Redressed in Vintage!

Mannequin_vintage scraps_turq2 turned (Medium)

In all her glory, Scarlett showing off the first of my new line,

Domesti-Chic · Limited Editions

Recipe for Happiness_full pic (Medium)

AM Logo with clothesline

I so thrive on the creative process. Whether inspired by a bag of scrap fabric or a recipe, it’s the excitement of the possibilities I find energizing. Now to reserve a bit of that excitement and face the maelstrom of domestic duties still simmering on that back burner.


Tie One On…an apron, of course!


  1. Oh My Stars! What a great idea,,, but then I am not surprized… knowing you….
    hmmm, maybe I should send you my 3 ‘LadyQuins’ to decopauge…
    As for the snow,,, ours is due on Tuesday… oh joy!

  2. Loved the mannequin photos!
    A wonderful memory from my youth….
    My Grandmother had a mannequin named Magnolia. When my mother inherited Magnolia, she flew head first out of the back of the moving truck and into a ditch full of water. We decided to attempt a daring rescue. Other motorists stopped to help thinking it was a live person because we kept yelling, “Hang on Magnolia!” “We’ll save you Magnolia!”.
    PS: Magnolia still resides with my mom a little worse for wear, but beloved by family.

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