Separated at Birth or Just a Family Thang?

There are definite hereditary traits in my family, with going gray young the number 1. Or so I thought, until I came upon this picture taken of me with my Aunt Frances, who has just celebrated her 90th birthday.

OMG! The Queen Elizabeth Purse Gene is an inherited trait, too.
Which brings me to this query: Is there a trait you’ve inherited that’s not a physical trait, like a penchant for big hair or snorting when you laugh?
Do share, if only to make me feel better about the purse thing.
Tie One On…an apron, of course!


  1. YES! All the women in my family are unable to wear the big decorative scarves you wear with suits etc. Or pashminas, or wraps, or anything other than a “keep my neck warm in a snowstorm” scarf. We just can’t. They don’t work on us, no matter how we try. 🙂 I told an aunt the other day that I finally got rid of a scarf I’d had for 20 years and never wore, plus the scarf pin, and she said she did that last month too! How I yearn to be able to toss the end of a pashmina carelessly over my shoulder and go jaunting off – but on us, it just looks like we got tangled up in someone’s draperies and hacked our way loose. SIGH. 🙂

  2. Aw, the need for bling….diamonds are nice and a good investment, but for everyday wear…costume jewelry is a perfect choice all the sparkle..the more the better. My Great-Aunts and Grandmother never had an outfit complete without earrings, necklace, and brooch. Mom and I have inherited this penchant. We both really love the vintage peices…the rhinestone and glass…the enamalware, the coral and shell… LoL, when we go antiqueing…we pick out peices that we both like and share when the outfit requires ;).
    My Hubby laughs…’dont’ give me diamonds..go to the Antique Mall and get my gaudy jewlery!’ He just shakes his head.

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