21 Days of NTOOD Giveaways Winner #17

National Tie One On Day’s November 17th winner is

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Jodi’s goodies are a My Memories Suite software package + a gift certificate to my.memories.com and from Chaps Coffee, giveaway #1, the signature apron of Cindy Dockins of Queen of Tarte.
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How Jodi is putting the “give” back into Thanksgiving:

My son and I started this last year and we loved it so much have incorporated into our giving throughout the year. We are excited to be able to participate this year.

National Tie One On Day is a win/win for those who participate and those who receive, and the more who are involved, the more who experience a gesture of kindness. SO, please spread the love and the mission of National Tie One On Day!
TO ENTER the month of sponsor giveaways, inspire others with how you will be celebrating National Tie One On Day, and share your apron love, click HERE !
xxea and NTOOD sponsors

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